I noticed one benefit of me sharing a monthly report is having to stay on top of updating ALL the numbers. Sure, this looks like me seeing Bob’s Hustle Report drop and thinking “Is it the end of the month? I should do that.” But I will be SO prepared for my quarterly tax payments.
October 2024 Sales
Live events work well for me. This month I presented The Feral Female: Women as Werewolves to three indie bookstores on the west side of my state. I also attended a roller derby tournament.
In 2025, I have a goal of attending a live event each month. This year I learned how much lead time is needed to register, so I’m ready for next year!
- Audiobooks: $86.73
- Print books: $6.37
- E-books: $15.21
- Website direct sales: $14.99
- Live events (all book formats): $349.11
- Total: $472.41
October 2024 Social Media Growth
I have not spent too much time engaging with other accounts on social media. The whole process drains me, and I need to save up my energy for writing. I need to make a decision on where to spend my time and effort. It’s a marketing resolution for me going into 2025.
Gifts for the VIP List
What I’ve put in place already is sending my mailing list subscribers installments of free short stories! They requested some POV shifts of the published Alex Steward books and background stories for secondary characters.
Want some fun extras? Sign up to my VIP list here:
So why did my mailing list number drop this month? Upon closer inspection, subscribers I tagged with “free giveaway promo” were the subscribers that bailed. More than likely, these were readers who wanted a freebie and then unsubscribed. I don’t think I’ll be spending money on newsletter builders in the future. I want qualified leads who love my writing.
- Author Stefanie Gilmour on Facebook: 237 (+6)
- Author Stefanie Gilmour on Instagram: 170 (+5)
- Author Stefanie Gilmour on “The TikTack”: 500 (+10)
- Stef’s VIP Mailing List: 348 (-2)